14 January 2010

Say Cheese!

This is my first post, and as such I feel like I should address the very first reason that people give me for why they could never be vegan: cheese.

Living in Akron, OH, my vegan "cheese" selection is somewhat limited. However, there are still a few brands that I have tried. For the sake of simplicity I am just going to compare mozzarella style cheeses, because this comprises the bulk of what I've tried.

The first is Vegan Gourmet by Follow Your Heart

This stuff is pretty slimy, and despite the claims on the packaging, I really haven't had much luck getting it to melt properly. If you can get past the slimy part, it does taste similar to mozzarella cheese.

The next is Vegan Mozzarella Flavor by Galaxy Foods. And yeah, this is a picture of Cheddar flavor because I'm fairly certain no other pictures exist:

I suppose part of the reason no other pictures exist is because the cheese itself is identical to Vegan Gourmet. The taste, texture, and melting capabilities are exactly the same. The price is also the same, so I would say it honestly doesn't matter which one you buy. The only advantage to Vegan vs. Vegan Gourmet is that Vegan comes in individually wrapped slices as well.

The final cheese that I have recently come into contact with is The Original Almond Mozzarella Style by Lisanatti:

This cheese is firm like real cheese, tastes like real cheese and I actually WANT to eat it by itself. I don't know about the melting qualities, but the price is comparable per ounce to Vegan and Vegan Gourmet. It also comes in several other flavors, if you are so inclined.

Now I just need to figure out what to talk about next...


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