14 January 2010

Ice cream... no wait... I scream... and then you scream?

Finding a delicious vegan ice scream... oh damn it... ice cream is a giant pain in the ass. No more Peanut Buster Parfaits from Dairy Queen or Frosties from Wendy's, but fear not! You will not be without delicious frozen sex. I mean ice cream.

So let's countdown the best vegan ice creams I've had in the past year:

5. Coconut ice cream. This doesn't get a picture. You know why? Because I have no idea where you would buy it in a store. They serve this lovely treat at Pad Thai, which has locations in Fairlawn and Hudson. It's freaking expensive for what you get ($4 for a teeny weeny bowl), but whatevs. It is a nice complement to one of their awesome vegan entrees. However, let's be honest: it is frozen coconut milk, not ice cream

4. Rice Dream Frozen Dessert

Okay, so on a scale of 1-to-awesome this is probably only a 4. It is so... ricey. Maybe it's because I only had the vanilla. This is good, and relatively cheap, but not quite up to par with the following vegan ice cream alternatives.

3. Tofutti Frozen Dessert

Now we're getting somewhere! Tofutti knows their shit, there is no doubt about that. It's reasonably priced and pretty damn close to real ice cream if you ask me.

2. It's Soy Delicious

Soy Delicious is kind of exactly the same as Tofutti. In fact, it really is a tie between the two, although I think Tofutti is a little cheaper. :)

And now the next one is soooooooooooooooo far away from the rest of the pack that I ought to make you scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page to see it. But I won't.

1. Tempt Frozen Dessert

ZOMG What?? That is not ice cream? I DO NOT BELIEVE! This is literally identical to real ice cream, minus the pus, pain, and poop of its moo cow counterpart. Did I stutter? If you haven't tried this yet, don't. Because you will not be able to stop eating it. It takes a little longer to defrost to scooping temperature than regular ice cream. I usually just throw it in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. My boyfriend says that causes crystals to form once it's refrozen. I don't care, it would still taste as good as Jesus. Yeah, I said it.

So there you have it, heavenly frozen bliss is possible. Get it.


Anonymous said...

I like this post.

However, I have to tell you some good and bad news.

Good news: Turtle Mountain Purely Decadent makes coconut milk ice cream in coconut and other flavors. As do I, in the summer. Pay me.

Bad news: Pad Thai's coconut ice cream used to be vegan, but now they use a blend of coconut milk and "non-dairy" creamer, which has casein.

Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood coconut enthusiast.

PS: link to my blogs and I will link to yours. And, start posting on my recipe one. Maybe.

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